Simon Tschannett Meteorologe, Stadtklimatologe Geschäftsführer
Mag. rer. nat.
Simon Tschannett
+43 1 522 37 29
- Position bei Weatherparkseit Februar 2005
Inhaber und Geschäftsführer
- Sommerkomfort
- Beratung für Klimawandelanpassungsmaßnahmen
- Stadtklimatologie
- Weitere Tätigkeitenseit 2020
Mitglied im Klimarat der Stadt Linz, Österreich
seit 2020Vorstandsmitglied des Climate Change Centre Austria (CCCA)
seit 2019Mitglied im Klimabeirat der Stadt Wien, Österreich
2018, 2015, 2014, 2012, 2011Lektor an der Donauuniversität Krems und an der Fachhochschule Salzburg als Vertretung von Mag. Matthias Ratheiser
- Publikationen und Projekte (Auszug)seit 2020
Fachzeitschriften und Buchbeiträge:
- Milena Vuckovic et al: Potential of Urban Densification to Mitigate the Effects of Heat Island in Vienna, Austria. Environments 2019, 6, 82
- Wolfgang Loibl, Ghazal Etminan, Doris Österreicher, Matthias Ratheiser, Romana Stollnberger, Simon Tschannett, Tanja Tötzer, Milena Vuckovic, Karoline Walal: Urban densification and urban climate change – assessing interaction through densification scenarios and climate simulations. REAL CORP 2019 Tagungsband
- Karner C., Lugschitz H., Tschannett S., Kaufmann H. et al. 2013.: Effects from downbursts on overhead lines; Meteorological thunderstorm study – Climatological, meteorological and CFD analysis. e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik DOI: 10.1007/s00502-012-0113-1
- Pistotnik G., Holzer A.M., Kaltenböck R., Tschannett S., 2011: An F3 downburst in Austria – a case study with special focus on the importance of real-time site surveys. Atmos. Res., 100 (4), 565-579; doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.10.011
- Schneider S., Chimani B., Kaufmann H., Bica B., Lotteraner C., Tschannett S., Steinacker R., 2008: Nowcasting of a supercell storm with VERA. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 102, 23–36.
- Drobinski P., Steinacker R., Richner H., Baumann-Stanzer K., Benech B., Berger H., Chimani B., Dorninger M., Dürr B., Flamant C, Frioud M., Furger M., Gröhn I., Gubser S., Gutermann T., Häberli C., Häller-Scharnhorst E., Jaubert G., Lothon M., Mitev V., Pechinger U., Piringer M., Ratheiser M., Ruffieux D., Seiz G., Spatzierer M., Tschannett S., Vogt S., Werner R., Zängl G., 2007: Föhn in the Rhine Valley during MAP: A Review of its Multiscale Dynamics in Complex Valley Geometry. Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 133, 897-916
- Bica B., T. Knabl, R. Steinacker, M. Ratheiser, M. Dorninger, C. Lotteraner, S. Schneider, B. Chimani, W. Gepp and S. Tschannett, 2007: Thermally and Dynamically Induced Pressure Features over Complex Terrain from High Resolution Analyses. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 46, 1, 50-65.
- Steinacker R., M. Ratheiser, B. Bica, B. Chimani, M. Dorninger, W. Gepp, C. Lotteraner, S. Schneider, and S. Tschannett, 2006: A Mesoscale Data Analysis and Downscaling Method over Complex Terrain. Mon. Wea. Rev., 134, 10, 2758-2771
- Tschannett S. and M. Furger, 2006: FORM – Ideas for Future Foehn Research. Bull.Amer.Meteor.Soc. 87, 1091-1093. DOI:10.1175/BAMS-87-8-1091
- Richner H., K. Baumann-Stanzer, B. Benech, H. Berger, B. Chimani, M. Dorninger, P. Drobinski, M. Furger, S. Gubser, T. Gutermann, C. Häberli, 9, E. Häller, M. Lothon, V. Mitev, D. Ruffieux, G. Seiz, R. Steinacker, S. Tschannett, S. Vogt and R. Werner, 2006: Unstationary aspects of foehn in a large valley part I: operational setup, scientific objectives and analysis of the cases during the special observing period of the MAP subprogramme FORM. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys. 92, 3-4, 255-284. DOI: 10.1007/s00703-005-0134-y
- Chimani B., R. Steinacker, C. Häberli, M.Dorninger, S.Tschannett, 2006: Objective mesoscale analyses in complex terrain: application to foehn cases during MAP. Meteorol.Z. 15, 1, 117-125. DOI: 10.1127/0941-2948/2006/0094
- Flamant C., P. Drobinski, M. Furger, B. Chimani, S. Tschannett, R. Steinacker, A. Protat, H. Richner, S. Gubser, C. Häberli, 2006: Föohn/cold-pool interactions in the Rhine valley during MAP IOP 15, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Volume 132, Issue 621C, Date: October 2006 Part C, Pages: 3035-3058
Wissenschaftliche Projekte:
- Ratheiser, Tschannett, Röderer, Gattol 2020: StartClim2019.D: „Bewusstseinsbildung bei PlanerInnen für die klimafitte Stadt von morgen“ http://www.startclim.at/startclim2019/
- Ratheiser, Matthias; Tschannett, Simon; Gepp, Wolfgang (2018-2020): Austria Climate Research Program: CLUDEX: Climate Change and urban densification impact exploration – heat exposure reduction through roof scape adaption – a long scale case study; AIT; BOKU; Weatherpark. Cludex, Wien; https://www.weatherpark.com/forschung/Tschannett, Chimani, Steinacker 2003: Startclim2002, Nr. 12: http://www.startclim.at/startclim2003
- Wolfgang Loibl, Ghazal Etminan, Doris Österreicher, Gustav Puhr, Matthias Ratheiser, Simon Tschannett, Milena Vuckovic: CLUDEX – CLIMATE CHANGE AND URBAN DENSIFICATION IMPACT EXPLORATION. Österreichischer Klimatag 2020
- Tschannett, Simon; Auer, Isabel; Holzer, Magdalena; Gepp, Wolfgang; Ratheiser, Matthias; Salvini-Plawen, Alena: 100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 15. Januar 2020. Urban Climate Transformation Process – First Experiences in Successfully Advising Austrian Cities, Boston.
- Ratheiser, Matthias; Tschannett, Simon (2019); 20. Österreichischer Klimatag, 24.-26. April 2019. Hitzewellen-Auswertung und Mikroklimasimulationen für das Forschungsprojekt Lila4Green, Wien
- Ratheiser, Matthias et al. (2019): EGU General Assembly. 7.-12. April 2019. The Planning Advice Map of Hamburg: Checking its usefulness while advising city planners, Wien
- Loibl, Wolfgang; Etminan, Ghazal; Österreicher, Doris; Ratheiser, Matthias; Stollnberger, Romana; Tschannett, Simon; Tötzer, Tanja; Vuckovic, Milena; Walal, Karoline: RealCorp, 2.-4. April 2019. Urban densification and urban climate change – assessing interaction through densification scenarios and climate simulations, Karlsruhe (eingereicht)
- Gepp, Wolfgang; Tschannett, Simon; Ratheiser, Matthias; Holzer, Magdalena; Salvini-Plawen, Alena: METTOOLS X, 25. bis 27. September 2018. Stadtklimatologische Expertise für die Immobilienwirtschaft: ÖGNI Steckbrief Mikroklima, Braunschweig
- Ratheiser, Matthias; Gepp, Wolfgang; Tschannett, Simon, Salvini-Plawen, Alena; Holzer, Magdalena: 10th International Conference on Urban Climate 8. August 2018. Linking Urban Planning with Climate – Applying the Planning Advice Map of Hamburg, New York
- Ratheiser, Matthias; Tschannett, Simon: 19. Österreichischer Klimatag, 23.-25. April 2018. Die Stadtklimaanalyse – ein Überblick, Salzburg
- Tschannett, Simon: 18. Österreichischer Klimatag, 22.–24. Mai 2017. Stadtklimatische Wirkungsanalyse als Bestandteil einer klimaverträglichen Stadtplanung, Wien
- Pistotnik G., Holzer A.M., Kaltenböck R., Tschannett S., 2009: An F3 downburst in Austria – a case study with special focus on the importance of real-time site surveys. 5th European Conference on Severe Storms 12 – 16 October 2009. Landshut.
- Chimani B., W. Gepp, R. Steinacker, M. Ratheiser, M. Dorninger, S. Schneider, S. Tschannett, 2006: A New 4D Variational Data Analysis Scheme in the Framework of VERA. 1st MAP D-Phase Scientific Meeting, Vienna.
- Bica B., M. Dorninger, S. Tschannett, R. Steinacker, S. Schneider, M. Ratheiser, 2005: High Resolution Analysis And Nowcasting Over Complex Terrain By Using Physical A Priori Knowledge. WWRP Symposium on Nowcasting and Very Short Range Forecasting, Toulouse, France
- Dorninger M., R. Steinacker, T. Gorgas, B. Chimani, S. Tschannett, B. Bica, 2005: Real-Time Verification Of Mesoscale Model Products Over Complex Terrain. WWRP Symposium on Nowcasting and Very Short Range Forecasting, Toulouse, France
- Tschannett S., B. Bica, B. Chimani, M. Dorninger, W. Gepp, S. Schneider, R. Steinacker, M. Kerschbaum, 2005: VERA as an Operational Nowcasting Tool. WWRP Symposium on Nowcasting and Very Short Range Forecasting, Toulouse, France
- Tschannett S., B. Chimani, R. Steinacker, 2004: 4D OMEGA FORM. FORM-Meeting, Bad Ragaz, Switzerland
- Bica B., R. Steinacker, M. Dorninger, M. Ratheiser, W. Gepp, S. Schneider, C. Lotteraner, B. Chimani, S. Tschannett, T. Knabl, 2004: Objective High Resolution Analyses of Meteorologial Fields over Complex Terrain and its Applications. Conference on the Spatial Interpolation Techniques, Budapest, Hungary
- Schneider S., B. Bica, B. Chimani, M. Dorninger, W. Gepp, C. Lotteraner, M. Ratheiser, R. Steinacker, S. Tschannett, 2004: Hochaufgelöste Niederschlagsanalysen in komplexem Terrain. DACH-Tagung, Karlsruhe, Germany
- Chimani B., M. Dorninger, W. Gepp, M. Ratheiser, S. Schneider, R. Steinacker, S. Tschannett, 2004: Verifikation mesoskaliger Vorhersagemodelle. DACH-Tagung, Karlsruhe, Germany
- Gepp W., Chimani B., R. Steinacker, S. Schneider, S. Tschannett, M. Ratheiser, M. Dorninger, 2003: High Resolution Model Validation. ECAM-Meeting, Rome, Italy
- Häberli C., R. Steinacker, S. Tschannett, B. Chimani, 2003: Assessment and Correction of the Dry Bias in Radiosonde Measurements during the MAP SOP. ICAM-MAP-Meeting, Brig, Switzerland
- Tschannett S., R. Steinacker, B. Chimani, M. Dorninger, W. Gepp, C. Häberli, W. Pöttschacher, M. Ratheiser, 2003: Objective High Resolution Cross Section Analysis During FORM. ICAM-MAP-Meeting, Brig, Switzerland
- Chimani B., R. Steinacker, M. Dorninger, W. Gepp, W. Pöttschacher, M. Ratheiser, S. Tschannett, G. Zängl, 2003: VERA-Analyses of MAP-Foehn Cases Compared to MM5-model Results. ICAM-MAP-Meeting, Brig, Switzerland
- Flamant C., P. Drobinski, B. Bénech, B. Chimani, M. Frioud, M. Furger, C. Häberli, G. Jaubert, M. Lothon, V. Mitev, H. Richner, R. Steinacker, S. Tschannett, S. Vogt, 2003: Föhn/Cold-Pool Interactions in the Rhine Valley During IOP 15 of the MAP SOP. ICAM-MAP-Meeting, Brig, Switzerland
- Gepp W., R. Steinacker, M. Ratheiser, M. Dorninger, B. Chimani, S. Tschannett, 2003: A New 4D Variational Data Analysis Scheme in the Framework of VERA. ICAM-MAP-Meeting, Brig, Switzerland
- Tschannett S., 2002: Objective high resolution cross-section analysis. FORM-Meeting 2002, Bad Ragaz, Switzerland
- Steinacker R., M. Spatzierer, B. Chimani, C. Haeberli, M. Dorninger, S. Tschannett, 2002: What can we learn of surface mesonets in foehn valleys?. 10th Conference on Mountain Meteorology and MAP Meeting 2002, Park City
- Tschannett S., 2001: Objective high resolution cross-section analysis. Overview. FORM-Meeting 2002, Bad Ragaz, Switzerland