The „Austro Tower” will be erected in Vienna’s third district, positioned among several other high-rise buildings: the adjacent business district „Towntown“ includes among others the „Orbi-Tower“ (25 floors) and the company headquarter of Wien Energie (22 floors). Furthermore, three residential towers “Triiiple” (maximum of 34 stoors) are built in close proximity.
For the wind comfort study, Weatherpark considered these buildings, as each tower influences wind flows and therefore also the other high rise buildings. The aerodynamically shaped “Austro Tower” will be the tallest building on this plot, with a height of approx. 135 Metres and with 36 floors.
Weatherpark was consulted in the design stage: the experts developed guidelines for the competition, carried out the preliminary examination and subsequently advised the jury.
Following the wind diagnosis of the winning project, the meteorologists developed windbreak measures in close cooperation with the client, Austro Control GmbH. The aim of the study was to offer guests of the terraced café as well as users of the main entrance and the road to the local underground station pleasant wind comfort for the largest part of the year. In addition, Weatherpark made sure that the emergency exit doors can be opened easily also during storms.
Weatherpark Services
Compilation of guidelines for the competition
Preliminary Examination
Advisory services for the jury
Wind comfort study for the winning project
Development of windbreak measures
Basic data Austro Tower
Height of Tower: approx. 135 m
Total floor area: 43.400 m²
Office rental area: 28.000 m²:
of which 80% for Austro Control and Asfinag
Start of construction: late summer 2018
Completion: 2021
ARGE AZPML-SHARE: Alejandro ZaerrPolo & Maider Llaguno Architecture Ltd (AZPML) & SHARE architects DI Lettner ZTGesellschaft KG
Austro Control GmbH